martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

A GATEWAY TO LIFE / Excerpts and index of the Book

Hello, Excerpts and Index of the book  ¨A gateway to Life¨ written by Carmen de Sayve  and Jocelyn Arellano. Each week we will be upload the complete book.


We are living a crucial stage in the history of mankind, a critical era where advances in science and technology have provided humanity with a series of advantages that previous generations could never have even conceived –but on the same token– have engendered a wide range of conflicts and peril. Pressed by preoccupation and angst, the sign of our times, we human beings are rediscovering a most ancient source of guidance and help: that which derives from the ability to establish communication with the spiritual world, whether it be angles, saints, or simply departed loved ones, who from another realm of reality, continue to provide us with their protection and support. While these practices, considered clairvoyance, have always existed, in recent years there seems to have been an awakening of a growing number of people to the ability of establishing themselves as a bridge and connection to the “beyond”.

A Gateway to the Life, by Carmen de Sayve and Jocelyn Arellano, is a clear example of just that. It includes a series of impressive testimonials that tell of the challenges faced by souls unable to move towards the light, who are trapped in the so-called lower astral plane. As we continue reading, we learn of the causes that lead to such a deplorable condition –materialism, arrogance, egoism, addictions– and the how we can contribute to liberating those souls.

Throughout the book, the reader will perceive and intuit the realism and veracity of these stories. It is evident that the writers have been able to effectively convey the voices and images sourced in other dimensions, that they have captured through their extensive experience in dealing with all types of spirits.

There are books that transform us to the extent that they change our mindset. This is a book of that sort. For that reason, no doubt it will provide a great many people with a broader, better understanding of what life after death is, and it will also serve as a useful guide in aiding those who, after passing on, are immersed in darkness, enabling them to receive support from higher beings that already reside in the light.

My sincere gratitude goes to Carmen de Sayve and Jocelyn Arellano for their most original, interesting and enlightening work.

Author of “Regina”, “La Mujer Dormida Debe Dar a Luz”

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