jueves, 7 de junio de 2012


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El próximo retiro de silencio y meditación será de:
Domingo 1 de julio (5pm) al Domingo 8 de Julio (1pm) 2012 
Tiene un costo de $ 6,000 pesos.
Este retiro es pequeño e íntimo.. Maximo seremos unas 10 personas que compartimos el silencio y el espacio en un lugar maravilloso. Es una gran oportunidad poder compartir el silencio con un grupo de personas que están interesadas en estar más presentes.

Entre todos mantenemos el espacio de silencio para que se dé el encuentro con nuestro SER...

Además estamos rodeados de naturaleza lo cual también ayuda al estado de gracia...
Tenemos horarios para meditar, una platica al día y una reunión al día con el grupo para
hacer meditación indagativa... hay tiempo para descansar, para caminar, para indagar,
para observar y para cuestionar...... 

Sandra Gonzalez quien viene para acompañarnos en éste proceso lleva muchos años siendo parte y viviendo en Springwater Center.org, lugar de retiro en donde se ofrece también un espacio para poder indagar profundamente en la experiencia del presente, cuestionar si hay un "yo" separado, sin ideas preestablecidas, simplemente a través de la observación directa...

Galería de Fotos de Casa Santa Barbara

Si tienes cualquier duda escríbeme a:



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This retreat is small and intimate. We will be a maximum of 10 to 12 persons who will share the silence and the space in a beautiful setting. It´s a wonderful opportunity to share the silence with a group of persons that are interested in living a life more centered in the present moment.

Between all of us we maintain the silent space so that awareness can flower…

We are surrounded by nature which also is a great help for inviting silence and observation.

We have structured meditation schedule, one talk a day and one group talk a day to do meditative inquiry.  There is time to rest, to walk, to inquire and to question.

Sandra González who will be with us to accompany us during the week has been for many years part of and living at Springwater Center in upstate N.Y. (Springwatercenter.org) A retreat center where it is also offered a space to inquire deeply into the nature of what it is to be present, to question if there is a ¨separate self¨, without any preestablished ideas simply through direct observation.

If you any questions please write to (Josy):  casasantabarbara@me.com

Photo Gallery Casa Santa Bárbara

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

…I Couldn’t Get Over Having Lost Power and Control

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Morning, Excerpts and Index of the book  ¨A gateway to Life¨ written by Carmen de Sayve  and Jocelyn Arellano. Each week we will be upload the complete book. Hope you like it, please comment.

A soul once came to us who had gone through a similar problem of power and control. This is what he shared with us:

I suffered greatly after my death. Suddenly I found myself in a cold, dark place. I wanted to continue controlling and enjoying everything as I had in life. During my final days on earth, my physical suffering was such that I did wish for death, but after leaving behind everything I'd ever loved, I felt even worse.
The grief of my wife, who had lived only for me, kept me stuck here for a long time. Worse, I couldn't get over having lost the control and the power I'd once held over those around me.
I don’t know how long, in earthly time, this hell lasted, but I lost my way due to pride and my desire for power and control. It was very painful for me to watch all the legal disputes over my estate, and I promised myself I would never again succumb to the desire to possess. It was a great lesson in detachment. Now I will have to experience a lifetime of deprivation in order to master detachment and humility.

I do not yet have the strength to take on such a life, but I know it will come in due course. All I can tell you is that now that I have transcended attachment to power and control. I am happy, and I don’t want it to go through that again.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

A GATEWAY TO LIFE / Excerpts and index of the Book

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Hello, Excerpts and Index of the book  ¨A gateway to Life¨ written by Carmen de Sayve  and Jocelyn Arellano. Each week we will be upload the complete book. Hope you like it, please comment.

…Just as Elisabeth Kubler-Ross has defined the stages of dying that precede death, there are also stages that come after the moment of death. One does not attain the wisdom of "the beyond" by simply having left the body. A long period of adjustment to this new condition will be necessary. After separation of the two perishable bodies, one finds oneself in the same basic state of consciousness and evolution as just before death. The individual retains his or her desires and beliefs, interests and prejudices, as well as mistaken ideas and religious distortions.

…The following is what the masters have to say in regard to the separation of those who experienced worldly power and fame:

Power and fame are two of the greatest obstacles to overcome because those who have enjoyed them only to die at the pinnacle of their domination, believe they have lost everything, and they despair at their inability to continue commanding and manipulating others.
When such individuals arrive in the astral wrapped in despair at having lost their power, they listen to no one. Time must pass. Gradually, they are forgotten on earth and supplanted by another powerbroker. Only then do such souls come out of their denial, for now  they see what happens to power and fame once we die. Usually, the main issue in these cases is that such beings do not believe in the existence of life after death. Though they may acknowledge that they are still alive, the darkness in which they find themselves seems to reaffirm the belief that death is darkness and nothingness.
How many beings find themselves in these conditions? A great many, and they need the prayers of those still on earth, as prayer energy can help free them from the pull of earthly vibrations.
Even after a soul’s liberation from the lower astral plane and its arrival in the spiritual realm, it can continue to be influenced by its memories of earthly glory.
Returning to the physical world after having experienced fame is not easy; one must first experience being a “nobody.” This takes a great deal of courage, which is not acquired quickly, especially when worldly fame continues, or even increases, after death. Take, for instance, a famous musician whose music continues to be heard after his death. The vibration of humanity’s admiration continues to reach that musician and feed his ego, despite his removal to the world of spirit and his having understood certain things. He may continue to have an appetite for success. This can be a strong feeling and not at all easy to overcome. Nonetheless, the desire to move forward is there, as well and may prove stronger than the desire for more human glory.
Sometimes a soul such as this decides to return to earth in order to learn humility. He or she needs to experience extremely precarious conditions, maybe reincarnating as someone with very limited intelligence or financial resources, so that he or she can never truly flourish. This occurs when the call of the Supreme Being is stronger than the soul’s memories of success.

People who spend their lives controlling those around them tend to suffer greatly after death, as they can no longer continue dominating others. The problem with many powerful men is that they continue to try to impose their will from the astral plane, which keeps them from ascending.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

…Speaking to “La Cabrita”

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This case is special to us because it came with verifiable evidence. There was a woman named Teresina who attended one of our meditation groups and astonished us with her special faculties. As a medium and clairvoyant, not only could she see other planes of reality, but she was able to act as an intermediary, allowing other beings to speak using her voice.
During one of our group meditation sessions, Eduardo, a departed soul whom we already knew, communicated with us through Teresina’s voice. Because of the very rigid and strict life Eduardo had led, we'd never considered that he might need our help,, but through Teresina, Eduard criticized us about the lack of help he had received from us. We admitted we had not realized he required it, despite the countless messages he had sent us.
Eduardo, we learned, was unable to leave the lower astral plane because of his guilt and fear of the punishment he thought would surely come. Eduardo had very rigid religious beliefs that hindered rather than aided his spiritual progress. We prayed, counseled him, and managed to convince him to proceed to the light. Before leaving, Eduardo said:

Thank you for helping me so much. Continue to help those who are trapped. There are millions and millions like me. I am with Julio.  You can help him by telling his daughter, ‘La Cabrita,’ that he is all right. This will bring him peace.

We were then given a telephone number and told to ask for Elena.

While this last conversation was taking place, our clairvoyant, Teresina, clearly saw the aforementioned man, Julio, drowning in the sea. We felt unsettled by this information and unsure of what to do with it. We decided to call the number and ask for Elena. After a moment, she came to the phone. We briefly explained why we were calling, and Elena immediately broke down in tears, saying that her father had in fact died by drowning eighteen years before.

A few days later, we met with Elena to meditate and send light to her father. She told us that since his death she had not stopped thinking of him and wondering where he was, constantly calling for him and torturing herself with thoughts of what he must have suffered at his death. She was shocked to learn that he had referred to her by her nickname “La Cabrita." This was a term of affection that Elena's own children had given her, not her father. This convinced her of the veracity of what we'd told her and that her father had been with her the entire time. This was a huge release for both of them, and Julio was able to rise to the plane where he belonged, and Elena felt peace knowing that her father was well and happy.
From these examples, we can see how intense mourning for someone can actually keep our loved ones stuck in a place neither here nor there. The suffering of loved ones left behind can disturb the departed to the point where they cannot elevate themselves from limbo. It may sound very easy to convince such wandering souls to let go of their earthly interests, so one may question why it is so difficult to convince those with whom we have direct communication. This is due to the clarity with which we see matters of the spirit once we shed the physical body. It's true, as well, that once we go into the light, our level of understanding is clarified, affording us astonishing objectivity.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012


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…Throughout this work, we will relate certain experiences the authors have had with souls who'd lost their way following separation from the physical body. Some such communications occurred spontaneously during the course of weekly group meditations. During those meditation sessions, the departed sometimes spoke through one of the participants with highly developed channeling abilities. The information was then corroborated by Carmen by way of her intuitive writing. This was done "blind," that is, without either participant knowing what the other was receiving.

…Creation and Illusory World
To understand the process of death, we first need to understand the meaning of life: who we are, where we come from, where we are going, and the purpose of our earthly existence. Here is something our teachers have told us:

Our known universe, as well as the universes unknown to us, are made up of an energy that comes from the great fountain of life we call God, or the Creator, or the Great Ultimate, or just universal consciousness. This energy resonates in various ways, at different rhythms or vibrational frequencies, thus forming diverse manifestations of physicality and consciousness. God is unending movement and growth; He could not be unmoving or He would cease to be. As life is change and motion, utter stillness would constitute death. Thus, God chose, and chooses even now, to self-manifest by expanding into multitudinous forms and then reabsorb them into the Whole.

In the beginning, only He existed. As He became aware of His own existence, he wanted to experiment with His experience of Himself and so self-divided into minute particles, giving each the will to do as it pleased. His essence is pure consciousness, which includes the qualities of infinite wisdom, love, compassion, balance, harmony, and joy. And so began creation. Those sparks of consciousness created the various dimensions using the raw material of the Creator, or universal energy. We can say, then, that God manifests by way of His creations and lives through them.

As God's energy materializes, beings arise that are direct emanations of His essence and who therefore bear His essence into different realities and universes. Those entities, having great power and intelligence, are responsible for the creation of worlds and of creatures to serve as vessels for the sparks of divine consciousness that continue to evolve. This physical universe that we humans inhabit, is the densest of all realms and so is where we have come to verify our true nature. For it is exactly this density into which we must submerge ourselves to forget who we are and where we come from.           
As human beings, we are evolving creatures. Having come from the Divine Light, light is all we are and all we knew. In order to understand God's greatness, wisdom, and magnificence, we must isolate ourselves and experience what Is Not. We have to enter an illusory dualistic world where everything has an opposite: light and darkness, good and evil, pleasure and pain, joy and suffering. "Go out from Paradise, and eat from the tree of knowledge, both good and evil.”      

While we were a part of the Absolute, we could not truly appreciate our magnificence, for we'd never experienced anything to compare it to. Though only He truly existed, in order to truly know Himself, God needed to invent an opposite of some sort: unlovingness, egotism, cruelty, and fear. So we live these experiences, along with their inharmonious effects, in order to realize what we truly are: love, faith and harmony. By experiencing the illusion and its hollow results, we gradually come to understand what Is through its juxtaposition to what Is Not.

…The following is a message from a soul already in the spirit world:

The truth is within each individual, but as long as we have not achieved cosmic consciousness, we cannot understand its totality. Once we are disembodied, we understand the concepts with much more clarity, as we are no longer immersed in the density of our physical bodies. We will not reach the Creator’s wisdom, however, until we have passed through all the stages that lead us back to Him.

Oftentimes we believe there is only one path to God, the one each of us has chosen as our own. Everyone believes they possess the absolute truth while everyone else is wrong. Yet the actual state of human consciousness is a thousand light years away from being able to receive and understand divine truth in its totality--. The different concepts that humans have are but glimpses of what truly is. It is not that some of us are right and others wrong. Rather, some aspects of our beliefs correspond to one aspect of the truth, interpreted by way of our limited awareness.
How can the Creator favor any of his children over the others if He loves us all the same? Why would he reveal Himself to only a select few of the billions of human beings that have lived on our planet? We all have within our being that spark of His consciousness where the absolute truth burns. The point is to manifest that truth. But if, instead of eradicating the ego, which believes it possesses the truth, we become  dogmatic, we will be covering the internal light that can only emerge by way of humility and love. The day our posture is that we do not possess the truth but rather are open to receiving it, we will have gone far toward actually finding it. 

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

A GATEWAY TO LIFE / Excerpts and index of the Book

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Hello, Excerpts and Index of the book  ¨A gateway to Life¨ written by Carmen de Sayve  and Jocelyn Arellano. Each week we will be upload the complete book.


We are living a crucial stage in the history of mankind, a critical era where advances in science and technology have provided humanity with a series of advantages that previous generations could never have even conceived –but on the same token– have engendered a wide range of conflicts and peril. Pressed by preoccupation and angst, the sign of our times, we human beings are rediscovering a most ancient source of guidance and help: that which derives from the ability to establish communication with the spiritual world, whether it be angles, saints, or simply departed loved ones, who from another realm of reality, continue to provide us with their protection and support. While these practices, considered clairvoyance, have always existed, in recent years there seems to have been an awakening of a growing number of people to the ability of establishing themselves as a bridge and connection to the “beyond”.

A Gateway to the Life, by Carmen de Sayve and Jocelyn Arellano, is a clear example of just that. It includes a series of impressive testimonials that tell of the challenges faced by souls unable to move towards the light, who are trapped in the so-called lower astral plane. As we continue reading, we learn of the causes that lead to such a deplorable condition –materialism, arrogance, egoism, addictions– and the how we can contribute to liberating those souls.

Throughout the book, the reader will perceive and intuit the realism and veracity of these stories. It is evident that the writers have been able to effectively convey the voices and images sourced in other dimensions, that they have captured through their extensive experience in dealing with all types of spirits.

There are books that transform us to the extent that they change our mindset. This is a book of that sort. For that reason, no doubt it will provide a great many people with a broader, better understanding of what life after death is, and it will also serve as a useful guide in aiding those who, after passing on, are immersed in darkness, enabling them to receive support from higher beings that already reside in the light.

My sincere gratitude goes to Carmen de Sayve and Jocelyn Arellano for their most original, interesting and enlightening work.

Author of “Regina”, “La Mujer Dormida Debe Dar a Luz”